- Configuration of portfolios with budget categories (entertainment, groceries, vehicles, etc.).
- Establish savings portfolios.
- Move funds between wallets in real-time.
- Share the value with family members.
- Provide secondary cards. Establish spending controls.
- Receive alerts and set up an automatic "cutoff" when limits are approached.
Homes and businesses must manage their monthly expenses, and for this, we provide the following toolsPROGRAMS
- Travelers need to use a multifunction card (Visa/MasterCard)for use while traveling and together with the wallet, you will have access to:
- Securing exchange rates in advance
- Set up multi-currency wallets
- Access funds immediately
- Share the value with your fellow travelers
- Set spending controls
- Backup cards in case of loss or theft Receive alerts, rewards, and offers
- Buyers can manage rewards from several sources
- Create wallets for points, miles, or cash-back programs.
- Capture balances and rewards from store cards as well as issuer credit cards.
- Move funds between wallets to share balances, points, and rewards.
- Easily redeem or spend rewards.